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The exploration of the (lack of) things  that we have learned from our fathers. As we grow and become men, the absence of our fathers affects us more than ever.  We carry memories for guidance and hope that our shadows are them and will protect us. Two young black men from different sides of the world explore the long- ingrained, toxic masculinity that is passed on generation to generation, sometimes actively by a father who is present, and the other times through the absence of a father figure. In a physical conversation blended with hip hop dance, they share and learn from their differences and similarities.


Ibrah Silas Jackson (2000) is a director and choreographer from Rotterdam. His foundation in creating lies in hiphop culture, but he also gained more knowledge about different movement disciplines such as contemporary, funk styles and african cultural styles. The core of his work exists of storytelling through visual arts and movements. Ibrah made different short movies and videoclips as director, is a dancer of Ghetto Funk Collective and started choreographing theater pieces in 2021. Recently Ibrah performed his new piece “Until the Quiet Comes” at Breakin’ Convention Netherlands Tour. And he participated in Back to the Lab at Breakin’ Convention, where he made a preview of The Hereditary, which he will also perform at Breakin’ Convention London in May 2024.